Standard 4

Resources and Support Systems

The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students.

    Indicator 4.1.

  • Qualified professional and support staff are sufficient in number to fulfill their roles and responsibilities necessary to support the school’s purpose, direction, and the educational program.

    Level 4 .

  • Clearly defined policies, processes, and procedures ensure that school leaders have access to, hire, place, and retain qualified professional and support staff. School leaders use a formal, systematic process to determine the number of personnel necessary to fill all the roles and responsibilities necessary to support the school purpose, educational programs, and continuous improvement. Sustained fiscal resources are available to fund all positions necessary to achieve the purpose and direction of the school.

    Level 3 .

  • Policies, processes, and procedures ensure that school leaders have access to, hire, place, and retain qualified professional and support staff. School leaders systematically determine the number of personnel necessary to fill all the roles and responsibilities necessary to support the school purpose, educational programs, and continuous improvement. Sustained fiscal resources are available to fund positions critical to achieve the purpose and direction of the school.

    Level 2 .

  • Policies, processes, and procedures describe how school leaders are to access, hire, place, and retain qualified professional and support staff. School leaders determine the number of personnel necessary to fill the roles and responsibilities necessary to support the school purpose, educational programs, and continuous improvement. Sustained fiscal resources are available to fund most positions critical to achieve the purpose and direction of the school.

    Level 1 .

  • Policies, processes, and procedures are often but not always followed by school leaders to access, hire, place, and retain qualified professional and support staff. School leaders attempt to fill the roles and responsibilities necessary to support the school purpose, educational programs, and continuous improvement. Sustained fiscal resources rarely are available to fund positions critical to achieve the purpose and direction of the school.

Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems

    Indicator 4.2.

  • Instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources are sufficient to support the purpose and direction of the school.

    Level 4 .

  • Instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources are focused solely on supporting the purpose and direction of the school. Instructional time is fiercely protected in policy and practice. School leaders exhaust every option to secure material and fiscal resources to meet the needs of all students. School leaders measurably demonstrate that instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources are allocated so that all students have equitable opportunities to attain challenging learning expectations. Efforts toward the continuous improvement of instruction and operations concentrate on achieving the school’s purpose and direction.

    Level 3 .

  • Instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources are focused on supporting the purpose and direction of the school. Instructional time is protected in policy and practice. School leaders work to secure material and fiscal resources to meet the needs of all students. School leaders demonstrate that instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources are allocated so that all students have equitable opportunities to attain challenging learning expectations. Efforts toward the continuous improvement of instruction and operations include achieving the school’s purpose and direction.

    Level 2 .

  • Instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources are sometimes focused on supporting the purpose and direction of the school. Instructional time is usually protected. School leaders attempt to secure material and fiscal resources to meet the needs of all students. School leaders express a desire to allocate instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources so that all students have equitable opportunities to attain challenging learning expectations. Efforts toward the continuous improvement of instruction and operations sometimes include achieving the school’s purpose and direction.

    Level 1 .

  • Little or no link exists between the purpose of the school and instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources. Protection of instructional time is not a priority. School leaders use available material and fiscal resources to meet the needs of students. School leaders spend little or no effort allocating instructional time, material resources, and fiscal resources so that all students have equitable opportunities to attain challenging learning expectations. Efforts toward the continuous improvement of instruction and operations rarely or never include achievement of the school’s purpose and direction.

Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems

    Indicator 4.3.

  • The school maintains facilities, services, and equipment to provide a safe, clean, and healthy environment for all students and staff.

    Level 4 .

  • School leaders have adopted or collaboratively created clear definitions and expectations for maintaining safety, cleanliness, and a healthy environment and have shared these definitions and expectations with all stakeholders. All school personnel and students are accountable for maintaining these expectations. Valid measures are in place that allow for continuous tracking of these conditions. Improvement plans are developed and implemented by appropriate personnel to continuously improve these conditions. The results of improvement efforts are systematically evaluated regularly.

    Level 3 .

  • School leaders have adopted or created clear expectations for maintaining safety, cleanliness, and a healthy environment and have shared these definitions and expectations with stakeholders. School personnel and students are accountable for maintaining these expectations. Measures are in place that allow for continuous tracking of these conditions. Improvement plans are developed and implemented by appropriate personnel as necessary to improve these conditions. Results of improvement efforts are evaluated.

    Level 2 .

  • School leaders have some expectations for maintaining safety, cleanliness, and a healthy environment and have shared these definitions and expectations with most stakeholders. Selected school personnel are accountable for maintaining these expectations. Some measures are in place that allow for tracking of these conditions. Personnel work to improve these conditions. Results of improvement efforts are monitored.

    Level 1 .

  • School leaders have few or no expectations for maintaining safety, cleanliness, and a healthy environment. Stakeholders are generally unaware of any existing definitions and expectations. Little or no accountability exists for maintaining these expectations. Few or no measures that assess these conditions are in place. Few or no personnel work to improve these conditions.

Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems

    Indicator 4.4.

  • Students and school personnel use a range of media and information resources to support the school’s educational programs.

    Level 4 .

  • All students and school personnel have access to an exceptional collection of media and information resources necessary to achieve the educational programs of the school. Qualified personnel in sufficient numbers are available to assist students and school personnel in learning about the tools and locations for finding and retrieving information.

    Level 3 .

  • Students and school personnel have access to media and information resources necessary to achieve the educational programs of the school. Qualified personnel are available to assist students and school personnel in learning about the tools and locations for finding and retrieving information.

    Level 2 .

  • Students and school personnel have access to media and information resources necessary to achieve most of the educational programs of the school. Personnel are available to assist students and school personnel in learning about the tools and locations for finding and retrieving information.

    Level 1 .

  • Students and school personnel have access to limited media and information resources necessary to achieve most of the educational programs of the school. Limited assistance may be available for students and school personnel to learn about the tools and locations for finding and retrieving information.

Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems

    Indicator 4.5

  • The technology infrastructure supports the school’s teaching, learning, and operational needs.

    Level 4 .

  • The technology infrastructure is modern, fully functional, and meets the teaching, learning, and operational needs of all stakeholders. School personnel develop and administer needs assessments and use the resulting data to develop and implement a technology plan to continuously improve technology services and infrastructure.

    Level 3 .

  • The technology infrastructure meets the teaching, learning, and operational needs of all stakeholders. School personnel develop and administer needs assessments and use the resulting data to develop and implement a technology plan to improve technology services and infrastructure.

    Level 2 .

  • The technology infrastructure meets the teaching, learning, and operational needs of most stakeholders. School personnel have a technology plan to improve technology services and infrastructure.

    Level 1 .

  • The technology infrastructure meets the teaching, learning, and operational needs of few stakeholders. A technology plan, if one exists, addresses some technology services and infrastructure needs.

Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems

    Indicator 4.6

  • The school provides support services to meet the physical, social, and emotional needs of the student population being served.

    Level 4 .

  • School personnel implement a clearly defined process to determine the physical, social, and emotional needs of each student in the school. School personnel provide or coordinate programs to meet the needs of all students. Valid and reliable measures of program effectiveness are in place, and school personnel use the data from these measures to regularly evaluate all programs. Improvement plans related to these programs are designed and implemented to more effectively meet the needs of all students.

    Level 3 .

  • School personnel implement a process to determine the physical, social, and emotional needs of each student in the school. School personnel provide or coordinate programs to meet the needs of students as necessary. Measures of program effectiveness are in place, and school personnel use the data from these measures to evaluate all programs. Improvement plans related to these programs are designed and implemented when needed to more effectively meet the needs of students.

    Level 2 .

  • School personnel endeavor to determine the physical, social, and emotional needs of students in the school. School personnel provide or coordinate programs to meet the needs of students when possible. School personnel evaluate all programs. Improvement plans related to these programs are sometimes designed and implemented to meet the needs of students.

    Level 1 .

  • School personnel attempt to determine the physical, social, and emotional needs of some students in the school. School personnel sometimes provide or coordinate programs to meet the needs of students. School personnel rarely or never evaluate programs. Improvement plans related to these programs are rarely or never developed.

Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems

    Indicator 4.7

  • The school provides services that support the counselling, assessment, referral, educational, and career planning needs of all students.

    Level 4 .

  • School personnel implement a clearly defined, systematic process to determine the counselling, assessment, referral, educational, and career planning needs of all students. School personnel provide or coordinate programs necessary to meet the needs of all students. Valid and reliable measures of program effectiveness are in place, and school personnel use the data from these measures to regularly evaluate all programs. Improvement plans related to these programs are designed and implemented to more effectively meet the needs of all students.

    Level 3 .

  • School personnel implement a process to determine the counselling, assessment, referral, educational, and career planning needs of all students. School personnel provide or coordinate programs necessary to meet the needs of students whenever possible. Measures of program effectiveness are in place, and school personnel use the data from these measures to evaluate all programs. Improvement plans related to these programs are designed and implemented when needed to more effectively meet the needs of students.

    Level 2 .

  • School personnel endeavor to determine the counselling, assessment, referral, educational, and career planning needs of students in the school. School personnel provide or coordinate programs to meet the needs of students when possible. School personnel evaluate all programs. Improvement plans related to these programs are sometimes designed and implemented to meet the needs of students.

    Level 1 .

  • School personnel attempt to determine the counselling, assessment, referral, educational, and career planning needs of some students in the school. School personnel sometimes provide or coordinate programs to meet the needs of students. School personnel rarely or never evaluate programs. Improvement plans related to these programs are rarely or never developed.